Ordering Veneer
When ordering stone for a veneer wall or patio always order at least 10 percent more stone than needed, to allow for waste (From chiseling and hammer of stone).
When ordering stone for a veneer wall or patio always order at least 10 percent more stone than needed, to allow for waste (From chiseling and hammer of stone).
When constructing stack stone walls that may contain an opening such as: windows, doors, or fireplaces etc. Always remember to reinforce the opening with a 3"x3" piece of angle iron.
Spread sand using a spaded shovel to put down small heaps over the surface. The sand must be worked into soil level with a garden rake so that it is knocked off the grass blades. The grass should never be smothered. Use a water hose and sprayer to wash the sand off of the grass blades.
It is vital to spread the sand evenly over the entire surface so depressions are filled in and no new bumps are created.